Hotel reservations
The conference will be held in the Francis Marion Hotel in Charleston historic district. The organization was able to negotiate an excellent room rate of $109.00 per night, from March 5 to March 8, in this first class hotel. However, a contract for a 90 room block/per night had to be signed to secure this rate and the meeting rooms for free.
Therefore the Conference Organization kindly requests all participants to choose the Francis Marion Hotel for their stay in Charleston to help meet the room block. Otherwise there are financial penalties that the organization can not afford to pay (recall that there is no professional society backing up ICA 2006).
We are ready to help students share rooms with other students in the Francis Marion. Please contact Dr. Deniz Erdogmus ( if you are a student willing to share a room with another student.
The cutoff date to obtain the above room rate is January 31, 2006. So please reserve your room before this date.
In order to reserve your room, please call (US country code is 1) 843-722-0600 or 1-877-756-2121 and identify yourself as a participant of ICA2006 to receive the special room rate.
- Go to
- Enter your arrival and departure dates
- Click on check availabilty
- In the upper right hand corner click on Group Block
- Enter ICA06 in group block box located under number of adults
- Click on next
- Select room type
- Click on continue
- Proceed to make your reservation
Reaching Charleston, South Carolina
Travelers can select from 164 flights daily that provide connections around the world. The major airlines that fly to Charleston are: Continental, Delta, Northwest, US Airways, United, with direct flights from Newark, LaGuardia, Atlanta, Houston and Washington.
Visa applications
Prospective participants who need to obtain visas for entry to USA may
contact Deniz Erdogmus by email at in order to request
an invitation letter to participate. In your request please indicate the
paper identification number of your paper(s) if you are an author. To
prepare your customized letter, the following information is needed:
- academic title (if any),
- full name,
- institution affiliated with,
- complete contact address.