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6th International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation
List of accepted papers
- 26.
Under-determined source separation: comparison of two approaches based on sparse decompositions,
Sylvain Lesage, Sacha Krstulovic, Rémi Gribonval,
accepted for highlight presentation.
- 110.
Separating Underdetermined Convolutive Speech Mixtures,
Michael Pedersen, DeLiang Wang, Jan Larsen, Ulrik Kjems,
accepted for highlight presentation.
- 114.
Blind Spatial Multiplexing Using Order Statistics for Time-Varying Channels,
Lino García, Santiago Sazo, Yolanda Blanco-Archilla,
accepted for highlight presentation.
- 116.
K-EVD Clustering and its Applications to Sparse Component Analysis,
Zhaoshui He, Andrzej Cichocki,
accepted for highlight presentation.
- 129.
Model structure selection in convolutive mixtures,
Mads Dyrholm, Scott Makeig, Lars Kai Hansen,
accepted for highlight presentation.
- 130.
Second-Order Blind Identification of Underdetermined,
Lieven De Lathauwer, Joséphine Castaing,
accepted for highlight presentation.
- 142.
Relationships Between the FastICA Algorithm and the Rayleigh Quotient Iteration,
Scott Douglas,
accepted for highlight presentation.
- 149.
Estimating non-Gaussian subspaces by characteristic functions,
Motoaki Kawanabe, Fabian Theis,
accepted for highlight presentation.
- 154.
Speech enhaNcement in short-wave channel based on ICA in empirical mode decomposition domain,
Liran Shen, Xueyao Li, Huiqiang Wang, Qingbo Yin,
accepted for highlight presentation.
- 157.
Global Noise Elimination from ELF Band Electromagnetic Signals by Independent Component Analysis,
Motoaki Mouri, Arao Funase, Andrzej Cichocki, Ichi Takumi, Hiroshi Yasukawa, Masayasu Hata,
accepted for highlight presentation.
- 169.
An EM method for spatio-temporal blind source separation using an AR-MOG source model,
Kenneth Hild, Hagai Attias, Srikantan Nagarajan,
accepted for highlight presentation.
- 174.
A Comparison of Linear ICA and Local Linear ICA for Mutual Information Based Feature Ranking,
Deniz Erdogmus, Tian Lan, Yonghong Huang,
accepted for highlight presentation.
- 4.
Single-channel Audio Source Separation with Bayesian Harmonic Models,
Emmanuel Vincent, Mark Plumbley,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 7.
Facial Expression Recognition by ICA with Selective Prior,
fan chen, Kazunori kotani,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 8.
Speech Enhancement Using ICA with EMD-based Reference,
Qiuhua Lin, Yong Rui Zheng, Fuliang Yin, Hualou Liang,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 11.
Blind separation of sparse sources using Jeffrey's inverse prior and the EM algorithm,
Cédric Févotte, Simon Godsill,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 13.
A two-stage based approach for extracting periodic signals,
Zhi-Lin Zhang, Liqing Zhang,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 16.
On Calculating the Inverse of Separation Matrix in Frequency-Domain Blind Source Separation,
Hiroshi Sawada, Shoko Araki, Ryo Mukai, Shoji Makino,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 20.
A Novel Normalization and Regularization Scheme for Broadband Convolutive Blind Source Separation,
Robert Aichner, Herbert Buchner, Walter Kellermann,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 27.
Differential fast fixed-point BSS for underdetermined linear instantaneous mixtures,
Yannick Deville, Johanna Chappuis, Shahram Hosseini, Johan Thomas,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 29.
Zero-Entropy Minimization for Blind Extraction of Bounded Sources (BEBS),
Frederic Vrins, Deniz Erdogmus, Christian Jutten, Michel Verleysen,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 41.
Blind partial separation of instantaneous mixtures of sources,
Dinh-Tuan Antoine Pham,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 48.
Testing significance of mixing and demixing coefficients in ICA,
Shohei Shimizu, Aapo Hyvarinen, Yutaka Kano, Patrik Hoyer, Antti Kerminen,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 51.
Brains and Phantoms: An ICA Study of fMRI,
Jarkko Ylipaavalniemi, Seppo Mattila, Antti Tarkiainen, Ricardo Vigário,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 52.
New permutation algorithms for causal discovery using ICA,
Patrik Hoyer, Shohei Shimizu, Aapo Hyvarinen, Yutaka Kano, Antti Kerminen,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 59.
Compression of Multicomponent Satellite Images Using Independent Components Analysis,
Isidore Paul Akam Bita, Michel Barret, Dinh-Tuan Antoine Pham,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 62.
Separation of Mixed Audio Signals by Source Localization and Binary Masking with Hilbert Spectrum,
Md. Khademul Islam Molla, Keikichi Hirose, Nobuaki Minematsu,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 69.
Separation of Periodically Time-Varying Mixtures using Second-Order Statistics,
Arie Yeredor, Tzahi Weisman,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 75.
Markovian blind image separation,
Shahram Hosseini, Rima Guidara, Yannick Deville, Christian Jutten,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 77.
Monaural Music Source Separation: Nonnegativity, Shift-Invariance, and Sparseness,
Seungjin Choi, Minje Kim,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 79.
Sparse coding for convolutive blind audio source separation,
Maria Jafari, Samer Abdallah, Mark Plumbley, Mike Davies,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 82.
On Separation of Semitransparent Dynamic Images from Static Background,
Michael Bronstein, Alexander Bronstein, Michael Zibulevsky,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 83.
Uniqueness of Non-Gaussian Subspace Analysis,
Fabian Theis, Motoaki Kawanabe,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 84.
Information-Theoretic Nonstationary Source Separation,
Zeyong Shan, Selin Aviyente,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 91.
Topographic Independent Component Analysis of Gene Expression Time Series Data,
Seungjin Choi, Sookjeong Kim,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 98.
Solution of Permutation Problem in Frequency Domain ICA, using Multivariate PDFs,
Atsuo Hiroe,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 104.
Blind Source Separation of Cardiac Murmurs from Heart Recordings,
Astrid Pietilä, Milad El-Segaier, Ricardo Vigário, Erkki Pesonen,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 108.
BLUES from Music,
Michael Pedersen, Tue Lehn-Schiřler, Jan Larsen,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 109.
An easily computable eight times overcomplete ICA method for image data,
Mika Inki,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 115.
Riemannian Optimization Method on the Flag Manifold for Independent Subspace Analysis,
Nishimori Yasunori, Shotaro Akaho, Mark Plumbley,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 118.
A robust method to count and locate audio sources in a stereophonic linear instantaneous mixture,
Simon Arberet, Rémi Gribonval, Frédéric Bimbot,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 122.
Source Separation of Astrophysical Ice Mixtures,
Jorge Igual, Raul Llinares, Addisson Salazar,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 127.
Second-order Separation of Multidimensional Sources with Constrained Mixing System,
Jorn Anemuller,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 128.
Quadratic MIMO contrast functions for blind source separation in a convolutive context,
Saloua Rhioui, Marc Castella, Eric Moreau,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 131.
Nonnegative Matrix Factor 2-D Deconvolution for Blind Single Channel Source Separation,
Mikkel Schmidt, Morten Mřrup,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 133.
Blind Source Separation of Post-Nonlinear Mixtures Using Evolutionary Computation and Order Statisti,
Ricardo Suyama, Leonardo Tomazeli Duarte, Romis Ribeiro de Faissol Attux, Fernando José Von Zuben, Joăo Marcos T. Romano,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 139.
Cogito componentae ergo sum,
Lars Kai Hansen, Ling Feng,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 140.
Harmonic Source Separation and Polyphonic Pitch Detection Using Prestored Spectra,
Mert Bay, James Beauchamp,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 143.
Equivariant Algorithms for Estimating the Strong-Uncorrelating Transform in Complex ICA,
Scott Douglas, Jan Eriksson, Visa Koivunen,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 150.
Estimating the Spatial Position of Spectral Components in Audio,
R. Mitchell Parry, Irfan Essa,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 151.
Simple LU and QR based Non-Orthogonal Matrix Joint Diagonalization,
bijan afsari,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 159.
Enhancement of Source Independence for Blind Source Separation,
Kun Zhang, Lai-Wan Chan,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 173.
Kernel Principal Components are maximum entropy projections,
Antonio Paiva, Jianwu Xu, Jose Principe,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 175.
Partitioned factor analysis for interference supression and source extraction,
Kenneth Hild, Srikantan Nagarajan, Hagai Attias, Kensuke Sekihara,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 177.
Independent Component Analysis for Speech Enhancement with Missing TF Content,
Doru Balcan, Justinian Rosca,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 178.
Global Analysis of Log Likelihood Criterion,
Gen Hori,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 183.
Convolutive Demixing with Sparse Discrete Prior Models for Markov Sources,
Radu Balan, Justinian Rosca,
accepted for oral presentation.
- 1.
On the performance of a HOS-based ICA algorithm in BSS of Acoustic Emission Signals,
Carlos Puntonet, Juan Jose Gozalez de la Rosa, Isidro lloret, juan manuel gorriz,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 3.
Instantaneous MISO Separation of BPSK Sources,
Maciej Pedzisz, Ali Mansour,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 10.
Analysis of Source Sparsity and Recoverability for SCA based Blind Source Separation,
Yuanqing Li, Andrzej Cichocki,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 12.
ICA Based Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithm for BCI Systems,
Jianzhao Qin, Yuanqing Li, Qijin Liu,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 14.
Automatic De-noising of Doppler Ultrasound Signals Using Matching Pursuit Method,
Yufeng Zhang, Le Wang, Yali Gao, Jianhua Chen, Xinling Shi,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 15.
Recovery of Sparse Representations by Polytope Faces Pursuit,
Mark Plumbley,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 17.
Efficient Separation of Convolutive Image Mixtures,
Sarit Shwartz, Yoav Schechner, Michael Zibulevsky,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 18.
Undoing the Affine Transformation using ICA,
Nazli Guney, Aysin Ertuzun,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 21.
On the identifiability testing in blind source separation using resampling technique,
Abdeldjalil Aďssa-El-Bey, Karim Abed-Meraim, Yves Grenier,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 30.
ICA and Binary-Mask-Based Blind Source Separation with Small Directional Microphones,
Yoshimitsu Mori, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Tomoya Takatani, Kiyohiro Shikano, Takashi Hiekata, Takashi Morita,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 35.
Derivation of Atrial Surface Reentries Applying ICA to the Standard ECG of Patients in AF,
Jose Joaquin Rieta, Fernando Hornero, Cesar Sanchez, Carlos Vayá, David Moratal-Perez, Juan Manuel Sanchcis,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 36.
Cross-Entropy Optimization for Independent Process Analysis,
Zoltán Szabó, Barnabás Póczos, András Lőrincz,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 39.
Local Convergence Analysis of FastICA,
hao shen, knut hueper,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 40.
ICA-based Speech Features in the Frequency Domain,
Wlodzimierz Kasprzak, Okazaki Adam,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 42.
Wavelet Denoising as Preprocessing Stage to Improve ICA Performance in Atrial Fibrillation Analysis,
Cesar Sanchez, Jose Joaquin Rieta, Carlos Vayá, Roberto Zangroniz, José Millet,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 43.
ICA Applied to Passive Acoustic Tomography,
Ali Mansour, Nabih BEnchekroun, Cedric Gervaise,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 44.
Comparison of BSS methods for the detection of α-activity components in EEG,
Sergey Borisov, Alexander Ilin, Ricardo Vigário, Erkki Oja,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 46.
Performances of Minimum Support ICA Algorithms Using Order Statistics Differences,
Frederic Vrins, Michel Verleysen,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 47.
Comparison of ICA Algorithms for the Isolation of Biological Artifacts in Magnetoencephalography,
Heriberto Zavala-Fernandez, Tilmann Sander-Thoemmes, Martin Burghoff, Reinhold Orglmeister, Lutz Trahms,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 49.
Blind Signal Separation on Real Data: Tracking and Implementation,
Paul Baxter, Geoff Spence, John McWhirter,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 54.
Performance Study of Convolutive BSS Algorithms Applied to the ECG of Atrial Fibrillation,
Carlos Vayá, Jose Joaquin Rieta, Cesar Sanchez, David Moratal-Perez,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 63.
An Independent Component Ordering and Selection Procedure based on the MSE Criterion,
Haocun Wu, Philip Yu, W.K. Li,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 64.
Quasi-Range Estimators for Minimum Support Independent Component Analysis,
Frederic Vrins, Michel Verleysen,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 66.
Blind Estimation of Row Relative Degree via Constrained Mutual Information Minimization,
Jani Even, Kenji Sugimoto,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 70.
ICA-based Binary Feature Construction,
Ata Kaban, Ella Bingham,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 78.
Separability of convolutive mixtures:Application to the separation in diesel engine,
Christine Serviere, Moussa Akil,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 80.
Two time-frequency ratio-based blind source separation methods for time-delayed mixtures,
Matthieu Puigt, Yannick Deville,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 81.
Semi-blind Equalization of Wireless MIMO Frequency Selective Communication Channels,
Oomke Weikert, Christian Klünder, Udo Zölzer,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 85.
A Novel Dimension Recudtion Procedure for Searching Non-Gaussian Subspaces,
Motoaki Kawanabe, Gilles Blanchard, Masashi Sugiyama, Vladimir Spokoiny, Klaus Muller,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 86.
Improvement on Multivariate Statistical Process Monitoring Using Multi-Scale ICA,
Fei Liu, Chang-Ying Wu,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 93.
Eigenvector Algorithms with Reference Signals for Frequency Domain BSS,
Masanori Ito, Mitsuru Kawamoto, Noboru Ohnishi, Yujiro Inouye,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 95.
On a Sparse Component Analysis Approach to Blind Source Separation,
Chunqi Chang, Peter C. W. Fung, Yeung Sam Hung,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 97.
State Inference in Variational Bayesian Nonlinear State-Space Models,
Tapani Raiko, Matti Tornio, Antti Honkela, Juha Karhunen,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 102.
Robust Preprocessing of Gene Expression Microarrays for Independent Component Analysis,
Pedro Gomez Vilda, Francisco Díaz, Rafael Martínez, Raul Malutan, Victoria Rodellar, Carlos Puntonet,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 103.
Multivariate scale mixture of Gaussians modeling,
Torbjřrn Eltoft, Taesu Kim, Te-Won Lee,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 105.
Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Applied to Microarray Data Sets,
Kurt Stadthanner, Fabian Theis, Elmar Lang, Ana Maria Tomé, Carlos Puntonet, Pedro Gomez Vilda, Thomas Langmann, Gerd Schmitz,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 111.
Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Approach to Blind Image,
Danielle Nuzillard, Ivica Koprica,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 113.
Fast Kernel Independent Component Analysis,
Aiyou Chen,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 117.
Separation of Nonlinear Image Mixtures by Denoising Source Separation,
Harri Valpola, Mariana S.C. Almeida, Jaakko Särelä,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 119.
Analysis of Feasible Solutions of the ICA Problem Under the One-Bit-Matching Condition,
Jinwen Ma, Zhe Chen, Shun-ichi Amari,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 121.
A One-Bit-Matching Learning Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis,
Jinwen Ma, Dengpan Gao, Fei Ge, Shun-ichi Amari,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 123.
Post-Nonlinear Underdetermined ICA by Bayesian Statistics,
Wai Lok Woo, Chen Wei, Li Chin Khor, Satnam Singh Dlay,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 124.
A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Nonlinear Convolutive Blind Source Separation,
Wai Lok Woo, Jingyi Zhang, Li Chin Khor, Satnam Singh Dlay,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 132.
A Canonical Genetic Algorithm for Blind Inversion of Linear Channels,
Fernando Rojas, Jordi Solé-Casals, Enric Monte-Moreno, Carlos Puntonet, Alberto Prieto,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 134.
Csiszar's Divergences for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization: Family of New Multiplicative Algorithm,
Andrzej Cichocki, Rafal Zdunek, Shun-ichi Amari,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 135.
The InfoMin Principle for ICA and Topographic Mappings,
yoshitatsu matsuda, kazunori yamaguchi,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 137.
Underdetermined Convoluted Source Reconstruction using LP and SOCP, and a Neural Appr. of the Optim.,
Pau Bofill, Enric Monte,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 138.
Kernel Independent Component Analysis for Gene Expression Data Clustering,
Rongfang Bie, Xin Jin, Anbang Xu, Ping Guo,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 145.
Fixed-Point Complex ICA Algorithms for the Blind Separation of Sources,
Scott Douglas, Jan Eriksson, Visa Koivunen,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 148.
Estimating the Information Potential with the Fast Gauss Transform,
Seungju Han, Sudhir Rao, Jose Principe,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 152.
Two applications of Independent Component Analysis for Non-Destructive Evaluation by Ultrasounds,
Addisson Salazar, Jorge Gosálbez, Jorge Igual, Raul Llinares,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 156.
Average Convergence Behavior of the FastICA Algorithm for Blind Source Separation,
Scott Douglas, Zhijian Yuan, Erkki Oja,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 158.
Analysis on EEG signal in visually and auditorily guided saccade task by FICAR,
Arao Funase, Tohru Yagi, Motoaki Mouri, Allan Barros, Andrzej Cichocki, Ichi Takumi,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 160.
Blind Deconvolution with Sparse Priors on the Deconvolution Filters,
Hyung-Min Park, Jong-Hwan Lee, Sang-Hoon Oh, Soo-Young Lee,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 161.
Contrast Functions For Blind Source Separation Based On Time-Frequency Information-Theory,
Mohamed Sahmoudi, Moeness Amin,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 163.
Recursive Generalized Eigendecomposition for Independent Component Analysis,
Umut Ozertem, Deniz Erdogmus, Tian Lan,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 164.
Independent Vector Analysis,
Taesu Kim, Torbjřrn Eltoft, Te-Won Lee,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 165.
Kun Zhang, Lai-Wan Chan,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 166.
A FastIVA algorithm for Convolutive Blind Source Separation,
Intae Lee, Taesu Kim, Te-Won Lee,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 168.
Super-Gaussian Mixture Source Model for ICA,
Jason Palmer, Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado, Scott Makeig,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 171.
Speech Enhancement Based on the Response Features of Facilitated EI Neurons,
André Cavalcante, Danilo Mandic, Tomasz Rutkowski, Allan Barros,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 179.
Sparse Deflations in Blind Signal Separation,
Pando Georgiev, Danielle NUZILLARD, Anca Ralescu,
accepted for poster presentation.
- 182.
Utilization of Blind Source Separation Algorithms for MIMO Linear Precoding,
Paula María Castro Castro, Adriana Dapena, Luis Castedo,
accepted for poster presentation.