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Brain Machine Interfaces

EEL 6935 (Special Topics)
Brain Machine Interfaces

Spring 2011

Instructor: Dr. Jose Principe, principe@cnel.ufl.edu

Office Hours: TBA, NEB 451


Lecture notes--moved offline, please check our wiki at cnel.ufl.edu/bmi for archive


  • Homework 2 classifiers 46.1 KB {pdf} a) iris dataset 1.6 KB{zip} b) EEG data excerpt {mat MATLAB datafile} MATLAB code{m file} (posted 9/27/2011 10:47 am)


  • Project 1 13.8 kB {pdf} dataset 1.3 MB {mat MATLAB datafile} (posted 10/19/2011 3:14 pm)
  • Project 2 64.3 kB {pdf} dataset 1.6 MB {zip} (posted 11/15/2011 8:41 am)

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