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CNEL research explores the principles that guide our ability to comprehend brain function, treat brain disorders, and ultimately to interface directly with the brain. Our researchers combine principles from machine learning, signal processing theory, and computational neuroscience to advance the science of engineering systems. On the horizon is a technological revolution, where machines can be controlled by the brain. We envision a time when brain and machine can interface through conscious thought, enabling normal function in cases of brain injury or disease.
The Computational NeuroEngineering Laboratory was founded in 1992 by its current director, Jose C. Principe. Dr. Principe's expertise lies in neuromorphic computing, which blends adaptive signal processing, machine learning, and computational neuroscience. CNEL provides a focal point for the intersection of these novel, multidisciplinary research areas. At CNEL's inception more than a decade ago, the term Computational NeuroEngineering was a new concept. Today, the phrase appears regularly in DARPA, NSF, and NIH requests for proposals, and the CNEL name is recognized worldwide.
- Hybrid group led by Dr. John Harris
- Neuroprosthetics Research Group (NRG) led by Dr. Justin C. Sanchez